We aim to create distinctive programmes that awaken your curiousity and bring a smile to your face. Every programme is made with love, integrity and skill.
Corcadal was set up in 2007 and specialises in documentary and unscripted factual. Proudly biliingual, we quickly became a trusted and valued supplier to BBC ALBA for whom we’ve produced a wide range of documentaries and returning observational documentary series. Our programmes are often the most popular and most appreciated on the channel.
Corcadal’s founder Christine Morrison, is a skilled leader and programme maker with rich and varied television production experience gained over the past 30 years. She works with talented and committed colleagues to consistently deliver to a high standard and enable our small company to punch above its weight.
Christine was one of the delegates on TRC’s Supersizer development progarmme in 2022/23 and following on from this, Corcadal has recently secured its first network commission.
We’re often asked what Corcadal means. It is a beautiful place out on the moor on the west side of the island of Lewis where Christine comes from and where for generations, her ancestors spent their summers at the shielings used for summer grazing.
Chaidh Corcadal a chur air bhonn le Christine NicIlleMhoire ann a 2007.
Bhon uairsin, tha sinn air iomadh seòrsa prògram a dhèanamh dha BBC ALBA, prògraman aithriseach agus prògraman a’ leantainn sgeulachdan dhaoine ann an diofar shuidheachaidhean.
Tha sgeulachdan dhaoine, agus an liut a th’againn airson na sgeulachdan seo a thoirt beò air a sgrìon, aig crìdhe a h-uile càil a tha sinn a’ dèanamh, agus tha sinn moiteil gu bheil na prògraman againn a’ toirt toileachas de luchd-amharc BBC ALBA.
Tha Christine a tha a’ ruith Corcadal air a bhi a’ dèanamh prògraman telebhisean airson deich bliadhna fichead. Tha i fortanach a bhi’g obair còmhla ri sgiobaidhean tàlantach airson na prògraman againn a dhèanamh cho math ’sa ghabhas.
Bi daoine tric a’ faighneachd cò as a thàinig an t-ainm Corcadal. Se àite a th’ann air mointeach taobh siar Leòdhais far an robh àirighean aig muinntir na sgìre. Se athair Christine agus a cho-aoisean an ginealach mu dheireadh a bha a’ dol a-mach chun na h-àirigh a h-uile samhradh agus ’s iomadh sgeulachd a chuala i mun dèidhinn. .
Copyright © 2022 Corcadal Productions | Site design: Kevin Hobbs